The “Most Degenerate Delinquents” Come Together To Form ‘The Suicide Squad’

26 Mar2021
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They’re “dying to save the world” and DC fans are dying to see writer/director James Gunn’s take on “The Suicide Squad.”

Warner Bros. Pictures and HBO Max is bringing everyone’s favorite delinquents, but mainly Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), back to the screen for another super-secret death mission Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) has cooked up. I’m not even going to pretend to know the ends and outs of the comic book world turned films. I just got into Marvel movies last year because of the pandemic for Pete’s sake. So when I need a comic book films for dummies breakdown I turn to Cris Parker from 3C Films. He broke down “The Suicide Squad” in a way I could understand.

I’ll be 100% honest with you. Watching the trailer I wasn’t super excited. I do love me some Harley Quinn, but there are soooo many characters in this one and so many characters new to this “Suicide Squad” storyline that I’m not hip to all the back stories and Easter eggs, so I’m going to just watch and enjoy when the time comes.

“The Suicide Squad” releases nationwide in theaters and IMAX on August 6, 20201 and will stream on HBO the same day for 31 days.

Watch the RED BAND uncensored trailer by clicking the video link below. Are you excited for the next chapter in the “Suicide Squad” storyline? Let me know in the comments below.

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Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures via YouTube

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