Hulu’s ‘Into the Dark: Tentacles’ Will Make You Question Falling In Love

11 Mar2021
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Towards the end of last year I discovered Hulu’s “Into the Dark” horror anthology series that has a holiday inspired theme for each episode. I saw the movie “Down” a while ago before I realized it was apart of the “Into the Dark” series and when I did I started working my way down the list of all the films out. There’s a total of two seasons (12 episodes in each season) with holidays like: Father’s Day, Thanksgiving, New Year’s Eve, Christmas, and Mother’s Day being a focus. “Into the Dark: Tentacles” directed by Clara Aranovich is the latest film that dropped from season two on February 12. Yup this is a Valentine’s Day type theme y’all.

Tara (Dana Drori) has a shady past and moves from place to place for reasons the audience will find out later. She meets, the distractingly handsome, Sam (Casey Deidrick) who is not in the best place in his life and is trying to sell his parents home. Long story short, the two fall dangerously in love emphasis on the dangerously. Tara is not who she seems and Sam is changing right before her eyes.

I watched this movie last night and it was OK. Possibly in the top ten of the “Into the Dark” series. It was suspenseful and had some good moments. The real highlight was looking at Casey. I remember him from MTV’s Eye Candy and he was attractive on that show, but this movie…the beard…the height…mother may I. Get into it.

“Into the Dark: Tentacles” is available now to stream on Hulu with the final film for season 2 (“Blood Moon” – see below) premiering Friday, March 26.

Watch the trailer for the “Into the Dark: Tentacles” film in the clip below. Will you be checking out this film? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Hulu

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