‘Shameless’ Final Season Will Wrap With Six New Episodes

05 Mar2021
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“Round up all the friends you got” for the final episodes of Showtime’s ShamelessIf you didn’t know, the network’s longest running series is coming to end with its 11th season this year. Due to Covid the production of the show is all out of whack. To make up for the breaks in new content, Shameless has been releasing “Hall of Shame” special episodes that offer a retrospect look at the entire series. The last one focused on Frank Gallagher (William H. Macy) and now the final episodes will be all new until the finale.

“Two at a Biker Bar, One in the Lake,” the 7th episode of the season, will air Sunday, March 7 and the show will conclude Sunday, April 11th with “Father Frank, Full of Grace.” The new episode will pick up with the Gallagher kids deciding on what to do with their childhood home. Lip (Jeremy Allen White) wants to sell, Debbie (Emma Kenney) doesn’t, and the other Gallagher kids are in between.

My only hope for the final episodes is that Fiona (Emmy Rossum) comes back and looking at the IMDb page for the last episode it looks like she will be along with a few more of my series favs, but I’m not going to hold my breathe. I’ll wait and see if that really happens and if it does I might cry.

Watch a clip from the upcoming episode of Shameless in the clip below. Are you tuning in for the final episodes? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Showtime

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