Anne Hathaway Makes Her Entrance as HWIC In ‘The Witches’

02 Oct2020
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The Grand High Witch is getting an even more glamorous make over thanks to HBO Max.

Roald Dahl’s classic story “The Witches” is coming to the streaming service later this month to reimagine the iconic tale. Now I know the 1990 film starring Anjelica Huston (currently on Netflix). It was one of my favorite films as a child and I was very excited to view it again as an adult. It’s nuts. The premise of the ’90’s film is set in London where Luke encounters a coven of witches while on holiday with his grandmother. The coven’s main goal is simple…exterminate children all across the world by turning them into mice.

In the 2020 version the plot seemingly remains the same with Anne Hathaway stepping in as the Grand High Witch, Octavia Spencer as the grandmother, Stanley Tucci as the hotel owner, and Chris Rock serving voiceover of the young boy who encounters the witches. The trailer looks good. It feels like it’s going to offer the same vibe as the 1990 version I know and love, plus it’s coming to a streaming service I have. Score!

Watch the trailer for Roald Dahl’s “The Witches” in the clip below coming exclusively to HBO Max on October 22. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: HBO Max

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