The First Trailer for ‘The Craft: Legacy’ Is Stiff As A Board Lacking The Original Spark

29 Sep2020
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Guess nobody saw my notes from 2015.

The sequel to the 1996 cult film “The Craft” has been in the works for quite some time as I’m sure many films are, but since I’ve been semi actively following this one it’s crazy to see the final product is here. Back in 2015 I wrote about how Sony had greenlit a follow up film to “The Craft” which would be penned by Leigh Janiak. I then proceeded to blog about my dream cast which I still think would hold up to this day, but my messages were left on read.


Fast forward to today and Zoe Lister-Jones has taken over as director and screenwriter for “The Craft: Legacy.” The premise seemingly remains the same, a group of high school girls band together to form a coven of witches, but after watching the trailer I just wasn’t feeling it. I LOVE “The Craft.” The original actors were flawlessly cast, the iconic lines delivered with perfection, and the vibe was authentic. This movie feels like it’s trying to be something it’s not. No offense to the actors involved, but watching the trailer a few times I’m still not excited AT ALL. The only time I perked up was when a photo of Fairuza Balk aka Nancy was shown. At least this is a sequel and not trying to redo the original.

“The Craft: Legacy” comes to on demand services October 27, 2020.

Watch the trailer for “The Craft: Legacy” in the clip below and tell me how you feel about this sequel? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Sony

Categories Entertainment Movie

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