’13 Reasons Why’ Set To Say An Emotional Farewell With Final Season Next Month

18 May2020
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Three years and what will be four seasons; Netflix’s Original series 13 Reasons Why will come to an end at the start of next month.

SPOILERS The series intially followed Clay Jenson’s (Dylan Minnette) discovery into the reasons why his crush and classmate Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford) committed suicide. The next season tackled the aftermath of Hannah’s suicide and who should be held accountable in the court of law. Then the third season dealt with new charcater Ani Achola (Grace Saif) interacting with the rest of the cast along with another major character, Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice), dying and the events that led up to his death. Of course this show is filled with tiggering content, so there were other themes like sexuality, rape, bullying, and drug abuse incorpotated throughout the series that made for tearjerking moments.

What else could possibly happen in the fourth and final season? I’m guessing the death of Bryce will be further explored since during the final moments of season three we found out who killed Bryce and how they covered it up. Hopefully this will be the ONE show that is ending this year that will have a satisfying series finale.

13 Reasons Why the final season comes to Netflix June 5th.

Watch the tease for the final season of 13 Reasons Why in the clip below. Will you be tuning into the last season of the series? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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