Taylor Swift Transforms Into Her Male Alter Ego In ‘The Man’ Music Video

27 Feb2020
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Taylor Swift in 2020 is all about reclaiming any and every dig that has been placed on her in the past. She’s not only being vocal about her new found creative freedom, but she’s using her artistry to amplify it. Her new single “The Man” is putting double standards on display while taking shots at many people with hidden messages spread throughout the music video.

The lyrics describe all the things that are acceptable for a man to do making him ideal in society, but if a woman was to do the same thing she’s seen as less desirable. I mean she’s not wrong.

While I don’t particularly like the song I will say I was pretty entertained the entire time watching. Taylor has transformed herself into Tyler Swift, a man who is obnoxious, entitled, and arrogant. Many men today fit that exactly. In the video Tyler is seen being praised for doing the bare minimum, acting obliviously rude, living a carefree single life and excelling no matter what along the way. I was so in awe at how Taylor looks as a dude. I’m still gagging.

Watch Taylor Swift’s “The Man” music video in the clip below. Did you recognize Swift immediately? How do you like the track? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Vevo

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