Sissy Sheridan Talks Debut Single “Who Me” and How To Break Into The Entertainment Industry

12 Sep2019
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Many six-year-old girls are busy playing with their toys and thinking about getting a second cookie before dinner, but Sissy Sheridan was focused on music theater and performing on stage. The actress/singer started in musical equity shows, which she equates to SAG for musical theater, ventured to off-Broadway then worked her way into television and film. Sissy Sheridan chatted with Glambergirlblog about her journey in Hollywood and how acting on stage prepared her for an emerging music career.

If Sissy looks familiar to you that’s because she already has had some pretty major on-screen appearances like: on Netflix’s critically-acclaimed series Maniac playing Jonah Hill character’s daughter Asia, as Angie on the Brat Series: Chicken Girls, and she hosted DIY With Me, Nickelodeon’s first web series. Now, Sissy is moving on to music with her first single “Who Me” with Brat records.

“I wanted it to be kind of like an Ariana Grande, Lennon Stella, Billie Eilish vibe. What it did become about is like when you’re talking to people online and trying to figure out if they’re real or not, figuring out that they were trying to play you, but like playing the player basically and when they try to bring it up and being like “who me?,” Sissy said about her single.

Photo: Sissy Sheridan

Sissy added, “There are parts of the song where it’s like, ‘leave them on read again and again, but he could keep coming back to me.’ Especially with guys that I know in LA who would be really flirty, but never come through. There’s a part where it’s like ‘once I got him slidin in my messages I be saying who me,’ that’s the lyrics from the songs. I’m really happy with how it turned out. I’ve got a really great feedback from everyone and I’m just like so happy that people really like the song as much as I do. I feel like it’s not you’re just traditional pop music.”

With a background in musical theater; transitioning into singing professionally wasn’t that much of a stretch, but Sissy noticed the difference between the worlds. “It is totally different singing pop and singing musical theater. Like in musical theater, it’s like all about the diction, projecting, and vibrato. Then pop is so different from that. I had to get a pop vocal coach, who is amazing and he actually helped write my original. His name is Griffith Frank.”

Looking ahead, Sissy wants to balance both acting and singing, but she’s leaning more towards singing. “I think since with acting it’s not really up to you because it’s the casting, the producers, the directors, and so many people who come into making the decision if you get cast or not. But with music, it’s something that I can control and it’s on my time. I definitely do want to keep creating more music and I think in the future I’m going to start putting out some more covers and then maybe work on more originals and maybe an EP.”

To end out chat, Sissy gave some wise career advice for aspiring entertainers. “If you’re trying to get out there and start acting, singing, dancing, or whatever it is and in the entertainment industry, you really just have to put yourself out there and honestly start small and just keep going and going. You just have to keep building and think no job is too small. As long as you stay working and honestly the most important thing is that you’re happy with what you’re doing. Cause if you’re not happy and you’re not passionate about it anymore, it’s gonna show. You really just have to put yourself out there and take that first step if you want to even try to be in the industry.”

Sissy Sheridan has a feature film in the works along with some partnerships that will be released soon, so keep up with her on social media @SissySheridan on Twitter and YouTube and @ItsSissySheridan on Instagram and TikTok.

Watch a fan made lyric video of Sissy Sheridan’s “Who Me” single in the clip below. The single is also available on streaming services and can be purchased for digital download.

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Photo: Sissy Sheridan

Categories Entertainment Interview

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