Before ‘It Chapter Two,’ Relive The 1990 Mini-Series Event With This New Honest Trailer

03 Sep2019
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By Friday some of us will be floating to the theaters to check out the sequel to the 2017 “It,” a remake of Stephen King’s 1990 mini-series event. I’m for sure getting my ticket for a Friday morning showing to “Witness the End of It” because “It Chapter Two” has a running time of 2 hours and 49 minutes. I enjoy the franchise, but I can’t sit in a theater too late in the day.

Before “It Chapter Two” officially releases in theaters the good folks over at Screen Junkies wanted to remind fans of the franchise just how the story was told in the ’90’s. And just like some of the characters in the film, you may have forgotten as well.

Following a family friendly TV block, the terrifying mini-series “about the clown that will eat your children” premiered. It really boggles my mind how films made in the ’90’s and decades before could actually scare people. The effects, and acting for most parts, are always so cheesy and jump scares are mediocre at best. But the 1990 “It” did somehow manage to scare a generation, so before we get nightmares once more because of Pennywise make sure you get a little recap of what’s to come.

Watch the Honest Trailers for the mini-series “It” from 1990 in the clip from Screen Junkies below. Are you heading to the theaters to see how #ItEnds with the second chapter? Let me know your thoughts, fears, and excitement in the comments.

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Photo: Screen Junkies

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