The film “Ready or Not” came to my attention from a friend. After watching the trailer I was intrigued by the concept and knew I want to see the movie. From viewing the trailer the plot is pretty much laid out in front of you. A young woman marries into a picture perfect family following an intimate, gorgeous wedding at the family’s estate, but before she can officially call herself one of the family she must play a game.
Simple enough right? Well, not so much. This family has a hidden agenda that dates back decades and the bride’s dream union becomes a wedding nightmare. I went to the theaters this week to check out the film for myself, so of course I’m going to give you my honest feedback with another Glamberous Movie Review. SOME SPOILER AHEAD.
All Fun and Games
Grace, played by Samara Weaving, is the leading lady who is married into the Le Domas gaming “dominion.” She marries estranged son Alex (Mark O’Brien) who doesn’t seem to be as pretentious as his eccentric family (Adam Brody, Henry Czerny, Andie MacDowell). The film opens with some action that pre-dates the current timeline of the rest of the movie, but it’s important so pay attention. “Ready or Not” gets right into the plot and holds a steady pace throughout.
A time-honored family tradition is played at midnight to “welcome” new members into the family. An empty card is placed in a box, be mindful of the history behind the box, and a game is revealed to be played. In the past Chess and Old Maid were played but unfortunately for Grace Hide and Seek is chosen. A deadly game that doesn’t come up too often, but when it does it must be played to the very end before dawn or bad things will come to the Le Domas family. Some believe it to be superstition, but the Le Domas family doesn’t want to risk it.
Samara Weaving is definitely the star of the film with her character’s resilience to see how this twisted game of Hide and Seek will play out for her. I must mention her haunting screams on-screen throughout the film experience may rival that of Sarah Paulson. All my American Horror Story fans know what I mean.
Fear Factor
There needs to be a new genre of horror films strictly dedicated to comedy. Maybe that’s what a dark comedy is considered, but “Ready or Not” really is in a league of its own with this. The film I immediately equated this to is “Would You Rather” starring Brittany Snow. Both films are boxed in the horror/thriller genres, but they have so many layers of comedy in it. “Would You Rather” is for sure one of my favorite recent thrillers and if I see “Ready or Not” enough it may go on my list as well.
Now don’t be mistaken for all my horror haters out there. Haters in regards to not liking horror films. There are a few jump scares in this one, some cringing moments, and tons of blood and gore, but nothing too violent if you watch programs like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead. Besides every time you might feel anxious or scared, a joke is right around the corner. This movie really does a good job at balancing out the fear with the funny.
Element of Surprise
They were twists and turns throughout the film especially at the end. Just when you think the story is going one way something happens. The good thing about this film is despite the demented game being played there isn’t a single character to dislike which is rare in a film. There usually is at least one character you can’t stand, but thinking back each member of the Le Domas family had their quirks that made them enjoyable to watch on-screen; even secondary characters. I don’t want to give too much away about the big reveal at the end, but it was one of the funniest moments. “Ready or Not” is a fun horror film from start to finish with a shocking ending I didn’t see coming that made the movie that much better. I literally dropped my jaw at one point and would see this movie again. I give “Ready or Not” three Glambergirlblog kisses .
Watch the official red band trailer for “Ready or Not” in the clip below. The film is currently in theaters across the U.S. Will you be heading to the theaters to see this one? Did you see it already? Share all your thoughts in the comments.
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Photo: Fox Searchlight