The Official Trailer For The Final Season Of ‘Game Of Thrones’ Is HERE Now Proceed to FREAK TF OUT

05 Mar2019
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I stumbled out of a blissful sleep. Rolled over. Said a prayer for a new day. Proceeded to check my phone to see what was trending on Twitter. And BOOM #GameofThrones is the number one subject so that meant the official trailer for the final and eighth season has FINALLY been released and let’s just say the internet is freaking out.

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In typical HBO and Game of Thrones fashion we got everything with basically getting nothing. If you think the show runners would plainly lay out a plot for us in the official trailer you haven’t been paying attention to this show AT ALL. This is grade A, top-notch, secret service level type of discretion. When shooting, each character had code names and with the battle sequences the series brought air rights to prevent any paparazzi helicopter shots. It’s that deep.

Now let’s talk about this trailer because there are a few things that I want to point out and I’m not ashamed to admit that with the first viewing I cried. First off we start with Arya running through what I’m assuming is Winterfell. She looks like she’s been in battle and that’s because she has. This season will be the first time the youngest Stark lady will be fighting in a war and we get a glimpse of that later in the trailer.

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Jon and Dany are arriving in Winterfell with the dragons in tow as Sansa gets her first look at the flying beasts. Cersei still seems so unbothered by what’s happening. She must have a deal with the Night King or something. And you know this battle at Winterfell is going to real when 1. It’s been said that this will be the longest running fighting sequence in TV and film history and 2. You got Podrick on the front lines. I can’t!

I was in between with doing recaps for the final season, but I think I’ll need some fellow fans to talk this thing out with, so stay tuned for those. In the meantime check out my latest GOT video HERE.

In other GOT news, Entertainment Weekly is releasing a special collector’s edition issue of their mag this Friday featuring 16 covers and an in-depth look at the final season of the award-winning series. Be sure to pick that up if you are a true GOT fan and get ready for season 8 premiering Sunday, April 14th on HBO.

Watch the official trailer for the final season *tear* of Game of Thrones in the glorious clip below. Are you amped for the season premiere? What did you think of the trailer? Share all your thoughts and theories in the comments.

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Photo: HBO

Categories Entertainment Television

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