After Two Years, Netflix Brings ‘The OA’ Back For Part Two [TRAILER]

28 Feb2019
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How do I even begin to explain what The OA on Netflix is about. On paper, a girl named Prairie, played by series co-creator Brit Marling, disappeared for seven years. She returns cured of her blindness and begins to share a wild story of what happened to her during her absence and what she’s capable of to a group of believers. The show is much more layered than that though, as good television often is.

Back in 2016 the show made waves as an untapped gem only few Stanned and I was one of them. So was Blake Lively. I admit it is a show that is difficult to get into, but once I found myself in tuned I was left weeping during the finale moments of the last episode wanting more of the original angel. Now I’ll get it.

Netflix announced that after the extended break the show will return in March with 8 more episodes. While watching the trailer I feel like I’m back in 2016 and I have no idea what is going on, but will I be tuning in glued like I was all those years ago?

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The OA part II comes to Netflix Friday, March 22.

Watch the teaser for The OA in the clip below. After such a hiatus, are you still interested in the series? Let me know in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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