Ryan Reynolds and Jimmy Fallon Consume Disgusting Concoctions Playing ‘Drinko’

14 Aug2018
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Ryan Reynolds is a handsome and charming actor, but on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon he proved how fearless, and possibly insane, he really on.

On a play off The Price is Right’s Plinko game, Drinko on The Tonight Show gives players two chips to drop  down a huge, pegged board as they fall into liquid cups. Each cup isn’t as pleasant as one would hope and the player must then drink the concocted cocktail. Back in 2017 Fallon played the game with Taraji P. Henson and now Reynolds took his turn at the game.

Cups were filed with “blood,” bacon, egg and cheese, and bone broth, Twinkie, melted ice cream, and more. Since Reynolds was on the show promoting his Aviation American Gin, some of it made its way into each cocktail. What happened at the end of this segment got a literal gasp from me and you’ll see why.

Watch Ryan Reynolds and Jimmy Fallon play ‘Drinko’ on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon in the clip below. Would you want to play this game? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

Categories Celebrity Television

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