‘Orange is the New Black’ Is Going To The Max in the Season 6 Trailer

09 Jul2018
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It’s a whole new world and the girls formerly of Litchfield Penitentiary are going to the max, maximum security prison that is, in season 6 of Orange is the New Black coming to Netflix later this month.

To be honest, I tapped out of OITNB a long time ago. I don’t remember any details of last season and that’s because I think I slept through most of it, so I’m not enthused about this season at all but some of you may still be invested and the official trailer is here.

The final moments of last season followed a major revolt and riot leaving the fate of the inmates up in the air. In the season 6 trailer we see the ladies are in maximum security prison and are being placed on opposing sides of a turf war. Some fans seem rather excited about new episodes but couldn’t help but notice Alex (Laura Prepon) and Maritza (Diane Guerrero) were missing from the trailer. Will the ladies show up at all this season? And how will the inmates survive their new home?

Orange is the New Black season 6 streams on Netflix Friday, July 27.

Watch the official season 6 trailer for Orange is the New Black in the clip below. Will you be tuning in this season? If not, tell me why in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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