Jimmy Fallon, Backstreet Boys and The Roots Sing “I Want It That Way” with Classroom Instruments

29 Jun2018
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Jimmy Fallon and The Roots are back at it again bringing classroom instruments to new heights and this time with one of the most noted boy bands of all time on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

The Backstreet Boys sung their iconic “I Want It That Way” track with happy clappers, a tambourine, xylophone, kazoo, apple shaker, and other instruments with Fallon and The Roots lending additional vocals.

Fallon’s video went viral and remained a top ten trending video on YouTube throughout the latter half of the week. Other artists that sung with classroom instruments on The Tonight Show include: Adele, One Direction, Madonna, Mariah Carey, and even the cast from Sesame Street. 

Watch Backstreet Boys sing their hit song “I Want It That Way” with classroom instruments alongside Jimmy Fallon and The Roots in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

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