Laurie Strode Comes Face to Face With Michael Myers For The Ultimate Fight In ‘Halloween’

08 Jun2018
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Halloween is coming early and again in the 2018 continuation of the 1978 film concept starring Jamie Lee Curtis.

Curtis reprises her role as Laurie Strode to face Michael Myers in “Halloween,” once again after a four decade journey. YES, FOUR DECADES we’ve been invested in this Michael Myers situation and I hope this time it’s finally over. Let’s be honest, how many ways can Michael fake die to keep this film franchise going.

In the trailer for the film, Laurie Strode has been preparing for the day she comes face to face with Michael Myers to kill him once and for all. Although I thought that already happened. Will Myers finally meet his end? We’ll find out in October.

Watch the trailer for “Halloween” in the clip below. The film comes to theaters October 19, 2018, will you be checking out this film? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Universal Pictures

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