Joel McHale, Michael Che and Offset Play Catchphrase On ‘Tonight Show’

19 Apr2018
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Know one thing about me…I LOVE CATCHPHRASE! It’s just about one of my favorite games, Clue is the other, so every time they play it on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon I get super excited to see who will win the game.

The game is simple; in timed rounds you have to get your partner to guess a word or phrase before time runs out. Who ever is left holding the device when the buzzer goes off loses the round and the other team gets a point. This game brought Jimmy Fallon and Migos’ Offset together as a pair against Joel McHale and Michael Che. I think both teams did an exceptional job, but you’ll have to watch to see who won.

Watch Joel McHale, Michael Che and Offset play Catchphrase on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon in the clip below. Who would you want to be your Catchphrase partner? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

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