Dr. Evil Makes An Appearance On ‘The Tonight Show’ To Talk About Getting “Fired”

05 Apr2018
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These days the ship is sinking in 45’s administration and everyone is jumping off, or maybe they are being thrown off, either way it seems every day someone is leaving The White House. The latest person “fired” is someone nobody saw coming.

On The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, Fallon set up a segment with a person who was just fired from Trump’s cabinet moments ago and had an exclusive opportunity to talk with him. It was none other than Dr. Evil, actor Mike Myers character from the wildly popular “Austin Powers” films. Dr. Evil went on to explain how he got into The White House, why he got the boot, his plans to run for president, and more.

Watch Mike Myers as Dr. Evil explain why he was the latest person kicked out of 45’s administration in the clip from The Tonight Show below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon

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