‘SNL’ Imagines Jurassic Park Screen Tests With 90’s Celebs In Funny Clip

18 Mar2018
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Iconic 1990’s film “Jurassic Park” is celebrating its 25th anniversary so to commemorate the folks at Saturday Night Live imagined screen tests featuring celebrities from the ’90’s and showed off their cast members stellar impressions.

Alan Alda, Hugh Grant, Sinbad, Ellen DeGeneres, Adam Sandler, Whoopi Goldberg, Jodie Foster, Wesley Snipes, Pee Wee Herman and more were some of the people who auditioned for the film back in the day for the sketch.

I don’t think it was coincidence that Pete Davidson, Leslie Jones, and Mikey Day were back to back in the sketch because when I say they elevated this thing, it was brought to new levels! Their impersonations slayed!

Watch the “Jurassic Park” Auditions sketch from SNL in the clip below. Which impression did you like the best? Would you have wanted any of these celebs in the “Jurassic” franchise? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube screenshot via NBC

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