Geography Smarty Nate Seltzer Talks Bodies of Water On ‘Ellen’

21 Feb2018
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Ellen DeGeneres‘ favorite geography whiz kid Nate Seltzer is back for the forth time to charm audiences once again with his sweet wit and impeccable knowledge about the world we live.

The 5-year-old geography expert has now turned 6 and his mastery of the Earth has only gotten better. During past appearances on the show Seltzer identified states and capitals, foreign countries just by their shape, and places based on their grid locations. This time he showed off his skills knowing bodies of water.

Later, Nate talked about his new passion for storytelling revealing he wrote a movie called “Calmed.” Ellen then shared a special treat for the audience and Nate regarding his movie. Could this kid get any cuter?

Watch Nate Seltzer share his knowledge of body of waters on The Ellen Show in the clip below along with a sneak peek at his movie “Calmed.” Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: EllenTube

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