Prodigy Celebrity Hairstylist Cliff Vmir Gears Up For Epic Boot Camp For Aspiring Stylists Hosted By ‘Love and Hip Hop’s’ Lil Mo

04 Jan2018
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“Hair has always been something to me that was amazing,” prodigy celebrity hairstylist Cliff Vmir said about his passion for the hair industry. At the tender age of 2 playing in the hair of Barbie dolls was something Vmir enjoyed. By his teens upgrading to mannequin heads and actual clients was something that put the now 20-year-old on the fast track to becoming a staple in the beauty world dominating one head at a time.

Fascinated by how you can take a piece of hair and transform it into so many things, Cliff has built a million dollar empire, and growing, by stepping out on faith and remaining consistent. “My work is very clean, neat, and polished. It has a nice shine to it. No matter what it is it has a nice bounce to it and it’s always looking glamorous,” the trendsetter said about his unique style of creating art through hair. At such a young age Cliff Vmir already has quite the impressive resume having styled the hair of such celebrities like: Lil Mo, Joseline Hernandez, Jasmine Sullivan, Blac Chyna, Trina, Alexis Sky, and even Cardi B.

Photo: Divine Influence PR

Photo: Divine Influence PR

“I do weaves to grow my clients hair out,” Vmir told Glambergirlblog and uses minimal leave out so clients won’t play “hairdresser” at home. “Units are the new things because they are convenient and you can pop them on and off,” he added about the type of work that he does. This weekend Cliff may be working on his biggest project yet teaming up with frontal queen Stylez of Porscha for a full day boot camp on Sunday, January 7th in Baltimore, MD to aid fellow hair stylist in their journey to creating their own lane in the hair world.

When GGB chatted with Cliff earlier this week there were 166 students enrolled in the boot camp and now the coveted event is sold out! Vmir described prepping for the event alongside Stylez of Porscha as a “beautiful nightmare” with constant meetings, phone calls, and even rehearsals all gearing up for the big day. “We’re learning different techniques. We’re trying to give these people their money’s worth so we’re just trying to give them as much information as possible.”

Love and Hip Hop New York star Lil Mo will be the special guest hosting the documented event, so if you are attending be sure to come camera ready. Along with getting tons of information to grow your own personal hair brand, Cliff’s Vmir dolls will be performing and attendees will get some Eric Thomas gems for motivational purposes. “Not only do we want to educate them, but we want to entertain them. As a stylist you can never know too much.”

Learning every step of the way on Cliff’s journey is something he attributes to his success. “I want them [boot camp guests] to really take away that in this industry you have to stay consistent. Your frontals aren’t going to be the best overnight you have to stay consistent at it. If you’re doing them over and over again each time you’re going to perfect them. I also would like them to know, don’t look at everyone as competition. You can network. There are so many ways you can benefit off of other hair stylists that you shouldn’t look at it as ‘oh I’m better than this person’ or ‘oh I do this better.’ There should always be a support thing.”

Never giving up and keeping shade on the back burner towards other stylists is what Cliff adds about going far in the industry. What’s on the agenda for the future? Cosmetics, reality TV, and music are on Cliff’s goals list and with using the quote “stay down until you come up” for motivation; you can’t keep this talented hair stylist down because he has next up!

Keep up with all the amazing things Cliff has in store by following him on Instagram @CliffVmir. For all hair inquiries, booking appointments, or to purchase hair, units or products from Cliff go to @Hymhair on Instagram.

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Photo: Divine Influence PR

Photo: Divine Influence PR

Photo: Divine Influence PR

Categories Beauty/New Looks Entertainment Interview

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