Step Right Up To The Cryptic Black Museum In The Latest ‘Black Mirror’ Trailer

29 Nov2017
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The end is near. I can feel it. The end on waiting for new episodes of Black Mirror that is. In the past few days fans of the show have gotten three trailers for upcoming episodes, so that has to mean the season will drop after all the trailers are released right? RIGHT?!

Rolo Haynes’ Black Museum is next up on the list and has been the first trailer to depict any Easter eggs from previous seasons, or at least I was able to point out. In the trailer a young woman visits a location that’s straight up out of a Jigsaw fantasy. Rolo Haynes, owner of Black Museum, implores the lady that the venue isn’t for the faint of heart and that it’s filled with “authentic criminology artifacts,” i.e. the attire of the shooter from “White Bear.” I feel like this is going to be a “White Christmas” type episode from the trailer filled with mini stories inside this one. I am so in love with this season already. Again, Netflix…DROP IT!

Watch the trailer for the “Black Museum” episode of Black Mirror in the clip below. I think this may be my favorite trailer to date, how about you? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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