Drake Covers ‘The Hollywood Reporter’ And Reveals What He’s Collecting For His Future Mrs.

09 Nov2017
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Drake goes from “Hotline to Hollywood” as he covers the latest issue of The Hollywood Reporter. Inside the issue he unveils his plans to create original content for Netflix and Apple. The boy is getting back to his acting roots.

An accompanying video that is making headlines is a segment called “Finish This Sentence” where a question or statement is proposed and Drake fills in the answer. He shares his thoughts on the best television program out right now, what special fashion item he’s collecting for his future Mrs. Graham, why he hates saying goodbye to his mom, what he celebrates the most and more.

Photo: The Hollywood Reporter

Photo: The Hollywood Reporter

Watch Drake “Finish This Sentence” with The Hollywood Reporter and be sure to click on the Hollywood Reporter link above to check out the artist’s full feature with the mag. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: The Hollywood Reporter

Categories Celebrity Entertainment

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