Screen Junkies Breaks Down Season One Of ‘Stranger Things’ With New Honest Trailer

08 Nov2017
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Don’t skip the intro, Screen Junkies is dissecting Netflix’s beloved original, award-winning series Stranger Things in their new Honest TV Trailer, but don’t worry if you’re still living under a rock and haven’t seen season 2 yet this trailer is only talking about season 1. If you haven’t watched the show at all then shame on you.

In the Honest TV Trailer, the 80’s and the small town of Hawkins are explored as we first meet the beloved characters from the series. When Will goes missing and an alternative dimension slowly is taking over Hawkins, the main group of lovable pre-teens gather all their knowledge of the “unknown” to save their friend. I couldn’t think of a better breakdown than this.

Watch the Screen Junkies Honest Trailer of Stranger Things season 1 in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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