13 Reasons ‘Coven’ Remains The Best ‘American Horror Story’ Season

24 Oct2017
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As I was watching American Horror Story: Coven last night I was reminded just how much I love that season and how truly classic it is. Coven was the third season of the Ryan Murphy project that centered around a coven of witches in New Orleans. Insert a racist socialite who can’t die, a group of young witches discovering their powers, a witch hunter determined to take out the coven, a jealous supreme who’s willing to kill next up, and a dash of Stevie Nicks. How could you not love this season?

In case you need some more convincing allow me to give you 13 reasons why Coven remains the best American Horror Story season as part of Glamberween.

  1. Because Madison Montgomery gave us the most iconic line in AHS history

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  2. And another when it’s super hot outside that’s so relatable

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  3. The formation was always on point

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  4. Misty Day basically summed up how we all feel most of the time

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  5. Marie Laveau is all of us getting that ill angle taking photos 

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  6. Myrtle Snow dropped gems on how to treat the haters

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  7. And how to remain a confident boss bitch 

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  8. Whenever you catch someone not telling the truth you can always use

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  9. Let’s not forget how Supreme Fiona is a forever mood

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  10. And that time Queenie perfectly described some women you know TBH

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  11. Plus remember when Marie kept slaying the sass

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  12. And Fiona was that friend we always want to hang out with 

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  13. Coven gave us countless quotes I use daily, so thank you Ryan Murphy for a blessed season

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Is American Horror Story: Coven your favorite season of the anthology series? What are some of your favorite moments? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: FX

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