Heather Brave Embraces Love In ‘Like A Wave’ Single

26 Sep2017
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Singer-songwriter Heather Brave may fall into the pop music genre but she’s definitely in a league of her own.

With her EP dropping soon, Brave’s current single “Like A Wave” is giving fans of the singer a little something to look forward to.  The single shows off the singer’s range in an intimate look at going for love despite your fear. “’Like a Wave’ is about when I met someone and knew we had this magic chemistry right away, and I decided to just go for it. That mentality of believing in what you feel and not being afraid is so important to me and makes this song an honest and powerful celebration. I hope you sing along loudly and proudly,” she said.

Watch Heather Brave’s lyric video for her single “Like A Wave” in the clip below. Share your thoughts about the song in the comments.

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Photo: Shervin Lainez

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