Liam Neeson Plays A Dangerous, Deadly Game On A Train In ‘The Commuter’

15 Sep2017
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Liam Neeson is put to a deadly test while aboard a train when he meets a mysterious stranger in “The Commuter.”

Neeson stars as Michael, an insurance salesman, who is making his routine trip home on the commuter train. He is approached by a beautiful stranger named Joanna (Vera Farmiga) who says she studies human behavior. She tells him her job is to answer one basic question which is: “What kind of person are you?”

Vera Farmiga and Liam Neeson in "The Commuter"/ Photo: Lionsgate

Vera Farmiga and Liam Neeson in “The Commuter”/ Photo: Lionsgate

This question leads to a game of cat and mouse as Michael must identify a hidden passenger for a given amount of cash before the train reaches its last stop. This game has deadly consequences as Michael realizes the true plan unfolding. This is so giving me “Red Eye,” but on a different form of transportation.

Patrick Wilson, Sam Neill, and Elizabeth McGovern are also appearing in the Jaume Collet-Serra directed and Byron Willinger & Philip de Blasi written film. “The Commuter” will be in theaters January 12, 2018.

Watch the trailer for “The Commuter” in the clip below. Does this trailer intrigued you? Will you check it out in theaters when it releases next year? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Lionsgate

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