‘Black Mirror’ Previews Season 4 With Titles And Clips

25 Aug2017
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These are the moments that make life worth living! Netflix’s series Black Mirrorwhich I am obsessed with, has sprung back to life with a teaser of what’s to come for season 4.

The Charlie Brooker creator show is an anthology series that explores the dark side of life and technology. It’s a beloved program to those who watched and we’ve all been eager for new episodes. Season 3 was released October 2016. Although no season 4 premiere date has been set yet we did get the titles for new episodes and there will be 6.

“Arkangel,” “USS Callister,” “Crocodile,” “Hang The DJ,” “Metalhead,” and “Black Museum” are the titles and in the teaser that showed the names it also shows brief clips from the episodes. Be sure to stay tuned to GGB for Black Mirror updates.

Watch the teasers and titles reveal for Black Mirror season 4 in the clip below. Which episode do you think you’ll like the best and which has been your fav in the past? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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