The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 7 Finale Title Announced + Episode Running Time

22 Aug2017
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Well this is. Winter has been coming, it’s here, and now it’s going to go away until the end of 2018, possibly 2019. Production for the final season starts in October.

Image result for game of thrones screaming GIF

Game Of Thrones season 7 has arguably been the best season to date with longer episodes, epic battle scenes, character reunions, and shocking revelations that are still being played out. All season the ladies of AandBConvoTV have been chatting and recapping the show (See Below), so you know the epic season finale will not be an episode to miss.

Today the anticipated title of the final episode of the year was announced as “The Dragon and the Wolf.” Could this be in reference to Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, or their relatives Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark aka Dany’s brother and Jon’s parents. This episode will also have a running time of 79 minutes and 43 seconds, the longest episode in GOT history.

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

This iconic episode will also bring together many of the characters of the show in the same place for the first time. In the trailer for finale episode we see the characters meeting in the Dragonpit at King’s Landing with everyone’s armies in place in case something pops off. Rumor has it SPOILER ALERT “The Dragon and the Wolf” will end on a major cliffhanger, Jon Snow’s real name will be revealed, and the White Walkers break down the wall that has kept them out of Westeros for centuries. I don’t think my heart can take it.

Watch the teaser for the season 7 finale of Game Of Thrones and AandBConvoTC’s recap of “Beyond The Wall” in the clips below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: HBO

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