Join The Cult – The First ‘American Horror Story: Cult’ Trailer Is Out!

22 Aug2017
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Give in to your fear. Join the cult. It seems like I’ve already been drinking the American Horror Story: Cult kool aid because I am already obsessed with this season and we JUST got a trailer for it today.

This week has been filled with AHS goodies and it’s only Tuesday. Yesterday Ryan Murphy released the opening title credits and if you didn’t get enough clowns in that don’t worry because they are all up in through the trailer. Oh and I mean that so sarcastically. I hate clowns!

Cult centers in Michigan 2016 and starts on election night when that man was announced as president. The world is going to shambled as it seems killer clowns are wrecking havoc on the city and Sarah Paulson’s character is dealing with a phobia of clowns. With this season having ties to Freak Show and Twisty the Clown, I hope Paulson’s character isn’t somehow related to Bette and Dot.

We see a little bit of Evan Peters and Billie Lourd in this trailer. Lourd opens the trailer in a clip that was on the official website. From I what I see so far I’m loving Billie. She’s giving me some if Chanel #3 joined Coven realness.

American Horror Story: Cult premieres in two weeks! September 5th on FX to be exact.

Watch the trailer for American Horror Story: Cult in the clip below. Share your thoughts, or fears, in the comments.

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Photo: FX Networks

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