The ‘American Horror Story: Cult’ Opening Credits Are Here And Filled With Political Innuendo

21 Aug2017
1,386 1

Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump masks make terrifying appearances in the opening credits sequence for American Horror Story: Cult

It’s a new week so that means we’ll unlock another secret on the website, but lucky for us the opening credits wasn’t the secret. Yay, we got bonus AHS content and it’s super disturbing.

Along with a new remixed version of the AHS theme music, the credits feature the regular cast members that will appear this season like Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, and Billie Lourd. Throughout the little over a minute clip there are eerie depictions of Clinton and Trump rubber masks, clowns carrying a coffin, clowns exiting a coffin like a clown car, bees and hives of course, a person washing blood off their hands, and more. There seems to be a lot of political innuendo here and I think this season will really go there.

American Horror Story: Cult premieres Tuesday, Sept. 5th on FX.

Watch the opening title sequence for American Horror Story: Cult in the clip below. Are you loving these credits? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: FX Networks

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