New Reveal: Are You Ready For These ‘AHS: Cult’ Creepy Masks?

18 Aug2017
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A new week means we’re a week closer to the premiere of American Horror Story: Cult and it also means a new secret has been unlocked on the official website.

Last week a Philadelphia meet up kicked off a tour promoting the series and unlocked parts of scripts for season 7 revealing the scary clown Twisty would be returning in some aspect and some bloody things would be happening. For week 5 some demented “AHS Cult masks” were revealed.

Before you were able to get to the masks a warning came up to caution those with photosensitive epilepsy due to the flashing images. Before you started the series of images you were asked if you were ready, if you were sure and if you were ready to commit. The flashing images and videos included bloody teeth, rats in jars, creepy ass clowns, spiders, and more. TBH I feel like I was somehow programmed or invited some sort of demonic spirit into my realm. I’m shook. Once “inside” 4 cult masks were shown (SEE BELOW). I’m curious to see how these will come into play throughout the season and the significance between each. This season will for sure bring on the nightmares. I can’t wait!

American Horror Story: Cult premieres Tuesday, September 5th on FX.

Do these cult masks creep you out? Who could possibly be wearing them? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: FX Networks

AHS Cult mask 4
AHS Cult mask 4
Photo: FX Networks
AHS Cult mask 3
AHS Cult mask 3
Photo: FX Networks
AHS Cult mask 2
AHS Cult mask 2
Photo: FX Networks
AHS Cult mask 1
AHS Cult mask 1
Photo: FX Networks
Categories Entertainment Television

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