Leslie Jones and Seth Meyers Watch The Latest ‘Game Of Thrones’ Episode With A Special Guest

11 Aug2017
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What’s better than watching Game Of Thrones? Watching it with Leslie Jones and Conleth Hill duh!

On Late Night with Seth Meyers there’s a segment where the late night host watches an episode of Game Of Thrones with his fellow SNL comedienne Leslie Jones. Jones is a hardcore fan when it comes to watching to show offering up her hilarious commentary.

This time around the two were watching the fourth episode of season seven called “The Spoils of War.” The episode was quite eventful with Arya Stark returning home to Winterfell, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen having a moment in a cave, and Drogo making a grand entrance during an epic battle scene. Jones could barely contain her excitement about the show, but lost is when Lord Varys (Hill) himself joined the watch party.

I would watch GOT with Leslie Jones any day.

Watch Game of Jones from Late Night with Seth Meyers in the clip below along with AandBConvoTV’s recap of episode four. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Late Night With Seth Meyers

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