Monday Motivation: Plan B Is Better Than Nothing

07 Aug2017
830 0

When the blogger’s away just know it’s not for play, usually!

It’s been a minute my Glambies but it’s because I’ve been super busy shooting episodes of A&BConvoTV, participating in VEDA (Vlog everyday in August), and busy on social media, but I’m back to get GGB updated with pop culture news that you have missed if you aren’t following me on social media.

For this post I wanted to share my #MondayMotivation segment of VEDA that I’ll be doing each week for the challenge. It’s an extended conversation from the posts I put on social media to motivate the masses. This week’s message is “Plan B Is Better Than Nothing.” Want to see exactly what I mean by that?

Watch my #MondayMotivation message in the clip below and be sure to check out my other VEDA videos 1-6 by clicking the video to my YouTube channel. Share your thoughts in the comments.

Follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @Glambergirlblog

Photo: Glambergirlblog

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