Netflix’s New Original Movie Asks “What Happened To Monday?”

03 Aug2017
2,091 1

In an overpopulated world the government has mandated that families are only allowed to have one child, but trouble brews for one man when septuplets are born in Netflix’s upcoming original film “What Happened To Monday.”

Noomi Rapace stars as the leading character taking on seven roles as the identical sisters. William DaFoe plays the father of the girls and concocts a system for them to experience a semi normal life. The girls take on a single identity and can only leave the house to enter the world on their given day. They are named for each day of the week. So if you are getting the gist of this, Monday goes missing and the rest of the sisters band together to find Monday.

This movie is a Sci-Fi/Thriller and from the trailer it’s giving me “Hunger Games” meets a Black Mirror type of universe. It looks good. “What Happened To Monday” premieres August 18th on Netflix.

Watch the trailer for “What Happened To Monday” and my thoughts on the film in the clips below. Are you intrigued by this film? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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