Sense8 Returns To Netflix For Two-Hour Special Finale in 2018

29 Jun2017
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Tell your cluster! Sense8 is returning to get the proper ending Kala, Sun, Nomi, Riley, Wolfgang, Lito, Will, Capheus, and the rest of us deserve. Thank you Netflix for coming to your senses.

After cancelling the beloved series back in early June fans were not OK with it, myself included. I found myself really feeling some type of way that the show brought to us by Lana Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski was coming to an end. The network was saying there was nothing they could do because it just cost too much to produce the show and they didn’t have the audience to back it up. Well think again!

Sense8 fans literally called into Netflix to complain, started a petition, and continued to sound off on how disappointed they were that the show was cancelled, but today God showed his true power when it was announced that the show would be coming back to give fans a proper goodbye with a two-hour special airing next year.

A statement for the show read, “Dear Sense8 Family, I have been meaning to write this letterfor some time. The outpouring of love and grief that came in the wake of the news that Sense8 would not be continuing was so intense that I often found myself unable to open my own email. I confess I fell into a fairly serious depression.”

The letter continued expressing gratitude to the fan base for fighting for the show even when it seemed all hope was lost. It ended with “It is my great pleasure as well as Netflix’s (believe me, they love the show as much as we do but the numbers have always been challenging) to announce that there will be another two hour special released next year. After that…if this experience has taught me anything, you NEVER know. Thank you all. Now let’s go find out what happens to Wolfgang.”

Read the full statement below!

Photo: Netflix

Photo: Netflix

Are your glad Sensates that we get a proper finale? What do you want to see happen in the two-hour special? Let me know in the comments below.

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Photo: Netflix

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