It’s War In Westeros: The Season 7 ‘Game of Thrones’ Trailer Is Here

25 May2017
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Winter is here and so is the war in Westeros for the claim of the iron throne. You know what that means, the season 7 trailer for Game of Thrones is finally here!

The new season premieres in July and the first full trailer for the upcoming season is here. Enemies are to the east, west, north, and south, so the battle for the top spot is bigger than ever. In the trailer for GOT the last Lannisters are fighting for survival, The Starks are fighting to remain control of their home, Daenerys is fighting for her rightful claims, and we’re all fighting the urge to lose our minds until the new season starts. 

Photo: HBO

Photo: HBO

Game of Thrones premieres Sunday, July 16th on HBO.

Watch the season 7 trailer for Game of Thrones in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: HBO

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