A Rebellion Is On The Rise For Season 5 Of ‘Orange is the New Black’ [TRAILER]

09 May2017
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Stand up! A rebellion is on the rise for the ladies of Litchfield in the new season of Netflix’s award-winning series Orange is the New BlackThe full trailer for the 5th season was released on Tuesday, May 9th, showing how fed up the inmates are with their current conditions and how they plan to change the system.

The ending of the last season left one inmate dead (Poussey played by Samira Wiley), a gun in the hands of another (Daya played by Dascha Polanco), and a prison lock down that had the inmates running wild. In the trailer for season 5, all the inmates are joining forces, despite the divided cliques from before, to get justice by protesting the conditions under which they are being held. How will the rebellion unfold? Find out next month.

Orange is the New Black returns to stream on Netflix June 9th.

Watch the full season 5 trailer for Orange is the New Black in the clip below. Are you excited for the new season? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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