Singer/Songwriter Rebecca Raw Connects With Fans On Debut EP Release

03 May2017
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British singer/songwriter Rebecca Raw released her debut EP Deep Within putting her blend of pop, soul, and folk music style on display for music lovers to enjoy.

Deep Within dropped early this year and is described as a “bold statement” in which Raw combines “intimate storytelling” with her unique sound. “Connection” is an airy, mellow start to the 5 track EP that Raw describes as “an intensely personal exploration of a widely-shared experience: the desire for deeper, more dependable relationships in a time when many are shallow and fleeting.”

“Dust and Ashes,” “Whisper Thin,” “Freefall,” and “Calling” are the other tracks that compile the body of work that was all written and performed by the artist. Each song reflects a different mood one could feel during the day. Whether upbeat, sad, or nonchalant, they all showcase the simplistic, or dare I say raw, talent Rebecca Raw has. “Each song was born as a personal response to a challenging time but hope prevails in my life and I always try to encapsulate this in my music,” she said, adding, “As others reach into the heart of these stories I hope that they will discover for themselves more treasures of this rich, wonderful, crazy thing called life.”

Listen to Rebecca Raw’s lead single “Connection” in the clip below. Be sure to purchase Rebecca’s debut EP Deep Within available now on iTunes.

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Photo: Project Light Agency

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