Jimmy Kimmel Tearfully Shares Details of His Son’s Heart Disease

02 May2017
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On Friday, April 21st, Jimmy Kimmel and his wife Molly welcomed a new member to their family, a son they named William John Kimmel. What was supposed to be a beautiful and happy time for the family turned into a nightmare when a nurse discovered a heart murmur in the newborn who was a purple shade upon entering the world.

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Livethe late night talk show host tearfully shared the personal story of finding out about his son’s heart condition and what that ordeal has been like. During his 13 minute monologue, Kimmel thanked all the doctors and nurses who helped his son during the early stages of his life, the family and friends who sent their heartwarming prayers, and his work family who helped ease his work load while he dealt with his family.

Before he ended his monologue, Jimmy expressed the importance of healthcare for Americans and why it’s so vital to maintain funding for it more than ever. “We were brought up to believe that we live in the greatest country in the world, but until a few years ago millions and millions of us had no access to health insurance at all,” he told the audience.

He added, “You know, before 2014 if you were born with congenital heart disease like my son was, there was a good chance you’d never be able to get health insurance because you had a pre-existing condition. You were born with a pre-existing condition and if your parents didn’t have medical insurance you might not live long enough to even get denied because of a pre-existing condition. If your baby is going to die and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make.” AGREED!

Watch the heart-felt monologue from Jimmy Kimmel in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Jimmy Kimmel Live via ABC

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