’13 Reasons Why’ Stars Katherine Langford and Dylan Minnette Chat on ‘Ellen’

01 May2017
3,235 1

13 Reasons Why, one of Netflix’s new, hit, original series, has been the topic of discussion for anyone who ripped through all 13 episodes of the compelling show about a teenage girl who commits suicide and leaves behind tapes explaining the reasons why she chose to do it.

The show’s stars Katherine Langford (Hannah Baker) and Dylan Minnette (Clay Jensen) made their talk show debut on Ellen Monday to discuss the popularity of the series and the possibility of a season 2.

Minnette was at Coachella this year when he realized how big the show was. People were asking him if there would be a season 2 and screamed when he waved at a crowd. Langford, who is a huge Lady Gaga fan, freaked when the singer tweeted at her leading her to know how big 13 Reason Why is. Will there be a second season though? Watch the video below and find out.

Check out 13 Reasons Why stars Katherine Langford and Dylan Minnette on their Ellen debut in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Phtoo: EllenTube

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