It’s A Long Walk For The First ‘Game Of Thrones’ Promo [TEASER]

30 Mar2017
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By now Game of Thrones fans know that winter is no longer coming, baby winter HERE! Earlier this month HBO announced the return date of GOT season 7, but now we got something even better – a first official promo.

Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke), and Jon Snow (Kit Harington) are going for a long walk to claim their thrones. While the first promo may be brief I feel the excitement, or maybe it’s the White Walkers chill, in the air. Hand around to the end of the promo for a chilling shocker. Season 7 is about to get real!

Game of Thrones returns to HBO Sunday, July 16th.

Watch the first official promo for Game Of Thrones season 7 in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: HBO

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