Netflix Original Series ‘Dear White People’ Releases Teaser And Premiere Date

08 Feb2017
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Netflix has a new original series that may get some people upset, but so did the 2014 film version of the show starring Tyler James Williams and Tessa Thompson, so oh well.

Dear White People the series stars Logan Browning, Antoinette Robertson, and Brandon P Bell. It’s set up as the same premise as the film following a group of diverse minorities at a predominantly white Ivy League college. Their tales of racial and other types of discrimination are told. The same character names are used as in the 2014 film, Browning will be playing Samantha White the role Thompson originally brought to life.

The first teaser for the series is brief, but mimics the trailer for the film of Dear White People. Be sure to catch the show when it becomes available on Netflix Friday, April 28.

Watch the teaser for Netflix’s Dear White People in the clip below. Will you be checking out this show? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Netflix

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