Listen: Ariana Grande and John Legend’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Released

05 Feb2017
1,598 1

In 1991 Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson made the Oscar-winning song “Beauty and the Beast” a beloved track from the film of the same name, but with the live action version of the film releaisng next month, March 17, it’s time for a reboot.

Ariana Grande and John Legend have been entrusted with the honor of bringing the song to a new age of Disney lovers with their version of “Beauty and the Beast,” and to be honest it kind of fell flat. GGB readers know I love me some AG, so her vocals paired with John Legend’s isn’t the problem, for me it’s the tempo. This version is way too fast for me. The upbeat pace of this song loses the magical, romantic element of the song that Celine and Peabo so beautifully slayed in the ’90’s. But I want to know what you think.

Listen to Ariana Grande and John Legend’s take on “Beauty and the Beast” in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Vevo

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