‘Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory’ Gets A Hilarious Honest Trailer Featuring Michael Bolton

24 Jan2017
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All of January Screen Junkies has been celebrating “Fan Appreciation Month” where they’ve been releasing special Honest Trailers that were voted for by fans last month. Since I love these Honest Trailers, I did submit for my vote for which five films that I would like to see given the HT treatment. I’m glad to see one of my picks came in at number 2.

“Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory” is one of those beloved childhood movies that should be on everyone’s top film list, but this Honest Trailer honestly makes it my new fav comedy. With some help from Michael Bolton, who has a new album out called “Songs of Cinema,” the Honest Trailer voice guy begins to pleasantly rip the film apart calling out Grandpa Joe, the misbehaving children, the haunting subtext of the famous songs, and more!

Watch the Honest Trailer for “Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory” in the clip below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: Screen Junkies

Categories Entertainment Movie

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