First Lady Michelle Obama, Dave Chappelle and Jerry Seinfeld Play Catchphrase On ‘Tonight Show’

12 Jan2017
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Last night’s The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon should have been renamed the First Lady Michelle Obama show because it was all about the first lady and it should be everyday. The FLOTUS was the special guest in probably her last talk show appearance before she turns over her first lady title, *tear*, so she showed us just why she’s so awesome.

Throughout the show Michelle Obama was interviewed about life in the White House, writes Thank You Notes, and played Catchphrase. Joined by Dave Chappelle and Jerry Seinfeld, Obama and Fallon teamed up to get each other to guess clues.

These all-star players were paired perfectly knocking out clues with ease, until one team started cheating towards the end. You’ll find out who by watching the clip.

Watch First Lady Michelle Obama, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, and Jimmy Fallon play Catchphrase on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: NBC

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