Don’t Say Or Think About ‘The Bye Bye Man’ [TRAILER]

20 Dec2016
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From the producer of “Oculus” and “The Strangers” comes “The Bye Bye Man,” a horror-thriller releasing next month combining old age horror like Slender Man with a newer concept of Bloody Mary and Candy Man.

In “The Bye Bye Man” trailer you are warned not to speak or even think the name or horrible, evil things will happen. Three college friends come upon the origins of the Bye Bye Man legend and find out a way to avoid the pending horrific things that could happen to them. If they can avoid saying or thinking about the name I really should stop typing, the possession of the evil force could pass them, but that wouldn’t make an interesting horror movie, would it?

Watch the trailer for “The Bye Bye Man,” in theaters Friday, January 13, 2017, in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: STX Entertainment

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