Neil Patrick Harris Shows Off His Fab New York City Home For Vogue’s ’73 Questions’

19 Dec2016
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I’ve never been more entertained by a home than I have with Neil Patrick Harris’ home. It’s perfect! The former How I Met Your Mother star was the recent celeb to take part in Vogue’s ‘73 Questions‘ interview series and while we find out intimate details about Harris, his husband, and children; I for one was most intrigued by how gorgeous his New York City residence is.

The interview consists of a single framed segment of Joe Sabia, not on camera, asking celebs a stream of random questions, 73 to be exact. The interview often takes place in the celeb’s home or while they are doing some type of shoot or rehearsal. Harris’ took place at home and my sentiments are along the line of what Alain Bruno commented under the clip on YouTube: “If that was my home, I would never want to go out.”

To kick things off, Harris showed off his home theater followed by showing off his office space filled with trophies, shelves of memorabilia, and the actual booth from How I Met Your Mother nearby. The home also included a piano that self plays, a full bar, beautiful art lining the staircases (including portraits of his children), AND an Apothecary cabinet that’s filled with parting gifts once you sign the home’s guest book. Can I move in like yesterday?

During the chat, Neil answered questions about his marriage, roles of being dad, advice he’d give his younger self, and then he rapped a song from “Hamilton.” It was all very entertaining.

Watch Vogue’s ’73 Questions’ with Neil Patrick Harris in the clip below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: YouTube

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