All I Want For Christmas Is A #TBT With Mariah Carey and Jimmy Fallon

15 Dec2016
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Mariah Carey is the undisputed queen of Christmas with her hit single “All I Want For Christmas” being the anthem of the holiday season, so I felt it appropriate to bring back this video of the singer performing her classic hit for #GGBHoliday and #TBT.

Back in 2012, Carey got all glam and festive to sit down with Jimmy Fallon and The Roots, when Fallon hosted The Late Night show, to sing “All I Want For Christmas” with classroom instruments. It’s a new way to enjoy the song and get you in the holiday spirit at the same time.

Watch Mariah Carey, Jimmy Fallon, and The Roots sing “All I Want For Christmas” with classroom instruments in the clip below. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Photo: NBC

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