Be Thankful, Glambergirlblog Will Return In A Few Days…[Editor’s Note]

22 Nov2016
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Hello my Glamberous Ones,

We’re in the week of thanks where we should be counting our blessings and being extra grateful for all the many things that we have. If you didn’t know, I still do production assistant work on the side when I’m not blogging and this is one of those crazy weeks where I work long hours that leaves little time for blogging. So instead of giving you half ass stories, allow me to have a blogger break and get back with GGB on Thanksgiving Day as you stuff your face with delectables and catch up with the perfect mix of pop culture news.

As always, I’ll remain semi active on social media, so head over to GGB’s social media pages to get a small dose of entertainment news.

Stay tuned and stay Glamberous! Happy Thanksgiving 💋 Amber

Follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @Glambergirlblog

Photo: Glambergirlblog

Categories Editor's Note

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